Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Movie Review: Transit...

*Humph* What's the fuss about February anyway? Everyone on facebook going on about the month of love....pffft, give us a break!
I on the other hand am doing my first movie review, the first time i watched this movie transit some two weeks ago, i kinda liked it. It was a mix of action, drama and thriller all rolled into one. Second time watching it today, and the whole time i was thinking what the hell, which led me to the conclusion that i must've been really bored the first time to have liked it. I don't really hate the movie though but it has a lot of mishaps.
You can tell its a low budget movie from the cast to the plot. The problem with it most though is the dumb script. It's one of those movies where you constantly find yourself asking "why the hell did they do that?" because so many of the characters' actions are illogical. Four criminals on the run from the cops after a heist, stash the cash on the roof-rack of a family's car so they can beat the police road-blocks and hopefully pick the money up later....
So you're watching the film, it seems a fairly interesting idea for an action movie, the baddies have just beaten the road-block and found the family car with their money, you're anticipating some plot twist and then you hear "lets run them off the road" ???Most of us (criminal or not)would simply follow the car until it stopped somewhere before taking the money back hassle free but our gang of criminal masterminds think it's a great idea to try and run the car off the the open road in broad daylight. It was full of moments where you were wondering how 4 criminals, who planned a decent heist, would be so idiotic when it came to retrieving the bag of money.
The way they attack the wife when she's sleeping alone in the motel, and she somehow manages to escape the motel room within millimeters from the bad guys' grasping hands you'd think she was a ex-CIA or ex-FBI or something, and the way she handles a machine gun? surprise because she looks like a pretty and normal woman, housewife of sorts! Seriously, there were too many times one had to suspend disbelief, especially on how a white collar criminal and his suburban wife could overcome hardened criminals. Sheer luck?
The tree with the perfect place for the bag to sit and then the man in the boat that went straight past and would have no idea at all that the bag was put in the tree somehow finds it?!
And then they burn the four hundred mil? Nkt! After all the struggle, all they've been put through while they were just headed for some family time camping? Personally, I'd keep the money...but hey that's just me!
The good thing about the movie was that it was unpredictable...nothing turned out the way i thought it would. So, out of ten I'd give this movie a 7 for keeping me on the edge of my seat and combining three genres together so perfectly! Good.

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