Monday, March 26, 2012

The language of love...

Yes, I'm still breathing!But the heat will kill me, it's too much! Just read my last post, ha ha....i need help, for real! Anyhow, i mentioned a vision board, still haven't put it on paper but i do know what i want; soon i will though.Uh, i don't know much about love seeing as i have experienced it only once(or so i think). I've learnt most of what i know from other people's experiences, movies, books, magazines and the internet of course. I have learnt enough to know that men speak manglish while us women speak womanese. And these two languages are not related, not in the least bit.Took me a while to finally read Steve Harvey's- Act like a lady, think like a man....I must say it was an interesting read! Did not learn anything new, but it was nice to see some things emphasized. You should read it...My language of love though is a bit random...I turned 24, i feel a bit old and experienced to know some of it.
1. Ask questions, never assume stuff. You are not always on the same page, it's okay to confirm if you are earlier on before you are way in too deep.
2. No matter what they say, if you are looking for a long term relationship; you could hold on to the goods a while longer. 5dates rule, 90day rule, 3weeks, whatever, just hold!
3. Set boundaries, a man will only treat you the way you want to be treated. He will walk all over you every chance he gets if you let him.
4. Demand respect, let him know from the on set your values in life.
5. Do not ever settle, you deserve the best...keep looking until you find it. Fuck the infamous biological clock!
Now, remind me again why you are taking relationship advice from me? Ha me too, but enjoy! Xo...
Oh, had the best time ever on my Birthday, thanks to everyone who showed up and my sister for putting it all together! Young, wild and free!!!

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