Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Truth Unspoken...

The assumption is that women are the victims when men run around wrecking their marriages and relationships by being uncontrollable horny dogs. Men are lecherous and can’t be trusted – right? Actually it’s true, men do cheat a lot. Women, however, cheat just as much. Only difference is a woman will cheat with reason, only when she is intoxicated maybe. We are emotional creatures and if we are not getting the attention we yearn from our partners, we are most likely to go looking for it or if it is offered to us, our knees will definitely buckle. Someone told me that women fall in love with their ears and the men with their eyes. How do we get away with it or how does it go unnoticed(our infidelity that is) These are my thoughts...

1. Men take the phrase, 'be a man' a bit too seriously, it's ok to ask questions. 'Who is so and so' and stuff...

2. We are planners so you'll know my schedule and trust it.

3. We can convince you on just about anything and end it with 'i love you'

4. Introducing you to my friends, so that i have an alibi every time i'm out without you.

5. Having a specific time when i say goodnight so that there are no calls after this hour.

6. You wouldn't expect us to cheat, unless it has happened to you before.

7. We know how to make you trust us and feel safe.

8. We don't give you reason to doubt us.

9. We can multitask-well, some of us.

10. Check her phone if you have to, the answers might just be there.

DISCLAIMER: I might have started a world war three here, but i would just like it to be noted that- I'm just saying! Trust is important though...xoxo

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