Takes me back to Bruno Mars' song- Grenade! Not the whole song just some part. '....I’d catch a grenade for ya, Throw my hand on a blade for ya, I’d jump in front of a train for ya, You know I'd do anything for ya, I would go through all this pain, Take a bullet straight through my brain....'
I know we listen to this song and most of us go, yeah, yeah! yeah right! But i would, for only one person and that is the above named! Okay, maybe not all, and not literally either but come to think of it if any of those things happened (P.S-i have no idea what movie we'd be starring in)...i would!
Anyways, my dad is the most big hearted, generous, kind, loving, hardworking, honest and most down to earth and humble man i know! maybe you're going like...'yeah, so is my dad! whats so special?' This is my blog, my space...go write yours! OOps, jk! A bit of history traces him back to the early 80's when as he says he left his father's house with only a green canvas bag of his clothes, left for the big city with just hopes he would do so much for himself.
He left my mum behind who had then just had their first born daughter, my elder sister! My mum joined him a while later in Nairobi, where i was born and my brother soon followed.My dad worked tirelessly to provide for his family, i wouldn't say that we ever lacked anything.
I got my 1st bicycle, thanks to him, sadly he did not get to teach me how to ride it. I learnt how to drive at the tender age of 13, taught me everything i know about cars, encouraged my love for swimming by taking us swimming every Saturday! Every Sunday was family fun day, took us everywhere. Came to all my visiting days in school, bought me all my phones to my newest one just the other day.Dropped me off and picked me up at all Chaguo la Teeniez Awards events(back in High School), Took me to my first rave, immediately after high school, bought me my first alcoholic drink (redds....don't laugh!)Buys my mum gifts randomly and loves her to bits!
He is very adventurous, has taken us everywhere he goes(or at least most of the time). He weirdly knows all the clubs anywhere and everywhere, used to take us karaoke singing at pizza gardens, don't know why he stopped though (I'm i that bad a singer?) Almost forgot,he saw me through University and I'll be forever indebted to him! I don't know of a perfect gift to give him as a show of appreciation, maybe a Range Rover Sport?(my dream car) Just maybe....
In a nutshell, my dad is awesome and i love him to death!!! I am who and what i am because of him....Long live my dad and all other awesome dads out there! With Father's day just around the corner...I9th June, this Sunday...let him know he is loved!