I have this urge to dye my hair red. My mum is freaking out, i asked her if i could do it and all she could ask was..."what message exactly would you be sending everyone with that?" And i was silently thinking to myself...."uh, maybe that my favourite colour is red?"
Well...Rihanna's red hair went viral a while back, then i wasn't the least bit interested. Now people are doing it green like Willow Or blue like Katy Perry but i want red.
Green is so in now...
Willow Smith.

Even Pharrell Williams has his hair in a bold green, and i like it...

Willow again, but this time she's rocking yellow...

Katy Perry in blinding blue :P

Amber Rose also has her's in blue...

Or go subtle with a blonde like Chris Brown...

My mum suggested i do a test run with red braids first, see how i like it. But regardless, soon i'll have my red hair...watch this space!!!
Happy Easter to you, have a blessed one! Xoxo!