It's a holiday today(whoop!whoop!)You do not know how long i have waited for this day, necessarily not that it's heroes day(siku ya mashujaa)but that i got some shut eye for a few more hours today morning! But all the same i salute all the heroes, thanks for whatever it is you did(being deliberately ignorant here)...
Anyhow, about two weeks ago i fell victim of a con-artist, i was so pissed all of last week.....if i had a gun?! *sigh*
Here is my story....
Oh, drat! Wait,looking for the emails that pea brained con sent me, just a moment...aah, voila! So, you know how sometimes we can get carried away when looking for employment especially when you're done with school and you're thinking its time to get there. I do most of my job searches online, and usually send my resume, application letter and stuff, you all know the process(i hope). It was a 'UNCDL' job offer as an administrative officer. They sent me interview forms and a personal history form to fill in a few weeks later which i did duly. I asked a pal of mine if he had ever heard of 'UNCDL' and when he asked where it was, my first red flag went off! I had never heard of 'UNCDL', I googled it and settled my fears.
A month later, they sent me an email confirming that they had received my email and they would get back to me....another month later, they sent me an employment offer email. Ok, sorry beautiful people, its in form of PDF, and the link won't attach! They said i would be getting USD. 138,130 paid in monthly installments.
I was so excited, hell ata getting to sleep was a problem. I didn't even care that the job offer was in Geneva. Next day though when i woke up, i was thinking...how lucky could i be? I had my doubts...plus they hadn't asked for money, said they'd cover all my expenses and i was like why not? Opportunity of a lifetime, who wouldn't jump at it? So i filled some other forms they'd sent me, something about accepting the job offer and training for three months and sent it back to them.
They sent another email telling me they would work on my travel arrangements and assist me in getting a visa but they would not pay for it. I thought small price to pay for that salary right? They sent another form i had to scan and attach a passport size photo. By now, more than three red flags had gone off...
1. Those lowlifes had mentioned not to call them ati they had too many applicants...blah!blah!
2. Not to visit the US embassy just yet until they had everything in place. Really?
3. How do you just employ someone you have never seen, no interview...nothing???
4. The first time i googled them, immediately after i sent my resume it said it was an NGO uplifting the lives of people in society. The second time i googled them months later, it said it was a scam! I think they had coned so many people.
I knew they were con-artists and was disappointed but i decided to play on, give them a taste of their own medicine. I had noticed that they barely read any of the documents i sent them, so anytime they sent me a form to fill in, I'd just write anything. I waited patiently for the day they would ask me for money, and those dorks did! Oh, all hell broke loose..."hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"
I sent them this email.....
You shitheads with brains the size of a pea! YOU chose the wrong tree to bark up. Use your brain if it exists to know that i am not stupid and i am not going to send any money to you! Next time you try to con someone, don't ask them not to call you. Two, don't ask them not to contact the US embassy, do not be so enthusiastic to welcome them to the 'UNCDL' family, do not tell them how much they are to be paid especially an overly large sum of money, and last but not least do not ask for money!
Stupid, shitless, douchebag, asswipe, dork and all other insults i can think of...
fuck you and get a life. Shame on you, i pity the one who gave birth to you, I'm sure they'd expect more from you!
And just in case you didn't know, the international police are after you lowlifes, we all know its a scam, better run for cover. Send me another email and I'm suing your smelly asses!
Payback is a BITCH! What goes around comes around, i rest my case and leave it to the most high!
I do not know who taught them to be cons because I'd do a whole lot better. And i pity those who fall for these scams and actually send these people money! Maybe, its because my history takes me back to central province and every coin has to be accounted for!
Be forewarned though, don't say you didn't know because I've told you!
Enjoy your holiday :)