Let's be clear first that,I'm not playing coy here, I know we're complex creatures. And, true, we operate on a different wavelength than men. It isn't as hard to win the heart of a woman as most men believe, and no we're not from Mars! Contrary to popular belief its as easy as A,B,C...
One of my no.1 fans Bonke Moses suggested i was favouring my female conterparts by focussing my posts on them and letting them know when to call quits and stuff! Well, today i focus on the gentlemen, giving you an inside look into the heart of a woman, you can thank Bonke and I later, enjoy!
Note: you won't find diamond rings or other fancy things anywhere on this list. While other women really do want luxury goods from men, when you break it down they are just physical representations of some of the points on this list. I promise.
Women are vocal creatures. We know you love us, but it's nice to hear you say it, too. We can also be insecure. We wish we weren't, but the reality is that we often notice our wobbly thighs and forget about our gorgeous eyes. So let us know when you think we're hot, tell us we're beautiful. It helps us feel good. Plus, when we feel sexy we're more likely to act sexy.
Yes, we know you love sex. But, remember that there are four bases to cover in the bedroom, not just one. Try stopping at each base instead of being so focused on the home run—believe us, we'll thank you for it! Likewise, remember small physical touches like massages. One can never, ever, have too many shoulder rubs. And scratching our heads is pretty great, too.
We understand relationships can't be all wine and roses; simply making the time to be with us and treating us like your top priority says "love" more than all the fancy gifts and lovely letters ever could. This includes helping around the house. The realities of a 21st-century relationship are that both partners probably work. If you happen to get home before we do, why not take vacuum the living room or throw in a load of laundry? If you take the garbage out without being asked, chances are you'll be getting a big ole smooch when you come back.
I'll admit today here and now, that I am an attention junkie. Constant texts, calls every now and then and making time to see me, will send me falling head over heels. I believe it is also the same for most women, make her feel like she matters, like she is part of your everyday life and that you think of her constantly.
6.Be a shoulder she can cry on.
Women want to know that you are always there for them and this means being a pillar of strength when they are sad. They love a man that is masculine, yet also has a feminine side to them. More points of what women want in relationships is showing that you are not afraid to be yourself when you are with her, showing your feelings of love in public ( Which they know makes other women envious), and always being truthful and honest with them.
7. Have her details and important dates on your finger tips: Her birthday, How many siblings she has, where she grew up, her favourite colour....et cetera. I still insist that if a man has been with you for well over a month and still doesn't know the colour of your eyes, he's just not that into you.
8.Make her laugh and want to be around you all the time, just make her happy. Even if it means pinning her to the ground and tickling her until she farts!
9.Compliment her. Be very keen when it comes to new hair-dos,new nail job and such. If one of your boys says it before you do. Oh,trust thats not good.
10. NEVER COMPARE HER TO ANYONE! And even if you do, make sure its someone who's out of reach. For example, you could compare her to Rihanna or Amber Rose.
11.Spend money on her. Surprise her with something nice once in a while. Don't be selfish. Don't buy a 10,000 bob watch for yourself, then take HER to some shady dingy eating joint.
12. Kiss her in the rain. *ahem*
13.Kindly just remove that passcode from your phone. You insist on trust and such... What are you hiding anyway???
14.Always admit that you're wrong and she's right! ALWAYS!
15.Hold her hand once in a while. Some ladies I know dont exactly like PDA but it doesn't have to be outdoors, you could hold her hand indoors or over the dinner table.
16.Even if you were bullied as a kid, or a toddler once pooped on you, always, always tell her how much you would love to have babies with her. Let her know that you see a future with her.
17.NEVER call other girls the pet names you call her....."Babie...Hun...et cetera."
18.When you're talking about your future, always say "We are going to get this"....or "We will travel to this place", instead of "I am going to buy you this"...or "I will take you to this place"
19.All ladies want a man with a sense of security or someone she can brag about to her girlfriends.Its nothing materialistic or gold-digging.Its just natural. so get your act right.
20.Speaking of girlfriends. Don't get so uptight when she says she's going out with the girls....be easy!
21.Crowd her space. Make her feel like she's the only girl in the world. Feel jealous once or twice.Question where she is, and who she's with.A jealous hot man is a very sexy combination.
22.Take her shopping and at least pretend to enjoy helping her pick out outfits!
23.As much as people say "opposites attract", women love men who agree with them on certain random issues, like politics and such...
24.ALWAYS HAVE COLOGNE ON!! There's nothing that defines you like your signature scent. Trust me!
25.Keep your hair and nails short, neat, and kempt!
26.Let her wear your t-shirt, or sleep in your boxers just for fun.
27.No matter how angry you are, never suggest a break-up!
28.Tell her she has beautiful eyes, and a beautiful smile. That always works.
29.Sacrifice a night out with the boys to watch a movie indoors with her from time to time.
30.Conversations concerning ex-girlfriends should be avoided ALWAYS!!! Learn to let go of the past. No woman wants a man with baggage!
31.Kiss her randomly. That actually works best in between arguments, or during those mushy mushy movies like 'Just Wright', 'Walk To Remember' and 'Dear John'.
32.Clean up nice!! Of course she should love you for you, but don't be surprised if you've gone out well over a month and you have never met her friends.
33.Treat her like no one else matters. When your with her, don't stare at random behinds or make her feel left out when you're hanging out with friends.
34.Get your act right. You don't have to drive an AUDI to be considered, but every lady either wants a successful man,or on the road to success. Don't hide your businesses, open up to your woman.
35.Saying you 'love her' before, during or immediately after sex doesn't count. Say that when you really mean it, Say it with her clothes ON!
36. Chivalry is not dead...If you are a step or two ahead of me, I'd expect you to hold the door. Pull up a chair for me, open the car door etc...
37. Don't be rude to anyone especially waiters.
38. Leave your bad, childish behaviour and vulgar jokes that you share with your boys behind when you're with us.
39.Be the man in that relationship, don't PMS and expect to be smothered, we want that, you should smoother us, and not the opposite. Being manly is not being macho. Manliness is the positive qualities of decisiveness, strength in one's convictions, confidence, self-reliance, high moral qualities, self discipline, honesty and integrity.
40.We don't care what the plan is, Just have one.
Au Revoir!!!

Mazel Tov ....xoox!