It's a safe bet that every mom (and dad) has forewarned their daughters that a man will say anything to get them into bed. Well, it's often true....And unless you're looking for a one night stand, use a little discretion and a lot of common sense. Never take anything at surface value; especially from a horny man!
Time to put these liars pants on fire...
1. "I only have 24 hours to live!" (I don't know this guy!)Lamest line in the book.
2. "I don't know if I can ever trust another woman after my ex-girlfriend cheated on me." (Playing the sympathy card)
3. "I'm an up and coming rapper/singer." (Sure you are)Who cares?
4. "I'm hung like a horse!" (Almost never proves to be true; and then you just feel dumb for looking!)
5. "I love you" (If you've only known him a day, a week, or a month, and he's tried every other way to get you naked, don't trust this line!)
6. "You're the only one for me, baby." (Just as bad as "I love you", but with less desperation)
7. "I'm older now, and I've changed my ways." (Note to self: Leopards never change their spots. A dog is always a dog no matter how old it gets!)
8. "It’s not sex if it goes into your ass, mouth, or ear" 0_0 No comment!
9. "Just the tip, I promise" ROTFLMAO!!! What?!
10. "I’m not seeing anyone else… its only you babe, my one and only!"
TGIF, enjoy...x