True Story...Real talk!
From my heart because this how i do things, how i have battled break-ups, and how i am still breathing...lol
We all have that one true love, who came and left or for the lucky few, still exists! Well, mine left...back in '07 and '08 was the worst year of my life! I'm not going to get into details on why he left, I'll focus on how i coped with the whole situation. I remember it like it was yesterday...
We had been dating close to 2 years, the first few we were really close friends, its no wonder letting go was a big hurdle! We are still friends but it took a while...the morning after the break-up, you'd think i had been ran over by a car, wah! i was devastated, i cried close to a year, don't laugh, i had been smitten beyond words! That guy you dream of, that knight in shinning Armour, that man who makes you see a house and kids...yes, he was all that and more! We spent every second of everyday together, and if he was away, phone calls every hour of the day. That person I'd call up at 3am, and go like..."Sweets, i can't sleep"
I woke up to the morning of January 2008, like some part of me had been yanked away, something, SOMEONE was missing. I cried some more, i just could not believe it! We talked over the phone, we tried to patch things up, but in the real sense, it was over! Weeks passed, months, i could still not get over it! My grades dropped at school(2nd year of campus). I took up binge drinking and occasional smoking, i was spiraling out of control....Any time anyone mentioned his name, i would break down and cry! I tried rebounds but kept comparing everyone who showed even remote interest in me, to my one and only!
I thought about counseling, but was too proud....i knew i would soon get over it! It took one and a half years, finally in late 2009 i met someone, but this too was short lived owing to obvious reasons. Today, my heart still skips a bit when he calls and i can't wipe the sheepish smile off my face, his relatives hope that one day we'll both see that we were meant to be, as told to me by his cousin! Problem is we both kinda moved on and i am now comfortable that we are friends, they say half a loaf is better than none right?
I remember he gave me a promise ring that i still wear to this day, my index finger has a mark, a sign that the ring never leaves my finger!
Moral of the story is:
1. Do not be afraid to cry, cry all you want, it helps!
2.Love wisely, leave some love for yourself.
3.Fuck what the rules say, take a rebound if you have to, it will be short lived but it will help you nurse the wounds.
4.Pre-occupy yourself, pick a hobby and emancipate yourself.
5. Do not however take up binge drinking, smoking or eating.
6.Time heals all wounds...give it time.
7.Talk about your heartache, its a form of remedy.
8.Being friends is up to you, in my opinion its not such a bad idea.
9.Try not to compare people, everyone is different.
10.Lastly, its not the end of the world, dust yourself off and on to the next one!

C'est la vie...xoxo!