So i rush out of the house, I'm supposed to pick a package my dad has left at the gate of his workplace and deliver it elsewhere! Anyways, i say hi to the watchie, go on to ask for the package...
Watchie: Na mnafanana...
Me: :-)
The other watchie: Wewe ni sister yake?
Me: :-O
1st Watchie: Apana, ni msichana wake...
I walk away really hoping that, that watchie meant daughter by msichana wake! The second watchie ruined my day though, do i look that old?! lol
So I'm strolling now, package in one hand...I ran into another watchie, "eh, si umeumbika, alar...umetokea upande gani?" I'm thinking to myself, these must be those Naswa guys on Citizen but wapi?
A call 4rm my dad comes through, so i stand at the next exit to wait 4 him...seeing that I'm waiting for someone from the gate that mchokozi watchie is manning, he starts to apologize...lmao!
Ati, "usinichukulie kwa ubaya, ni vizuri kujuana"
Are you kidding me? I'm thinking...'Nitakusema'
I'm done with my dad and as i walk away, the stupid bugger has the audacity to ask for my phone number...Ai, Really? I just walk away!
On to today's post though....I never thought i'd ever see Jeans overtaken by another form of wear, the leggings. Or is just in Nairobi? So, today i was out and about i could have sworn i counted more leggings to Jeans. Everywhere i turned, was leggings, black mosly...but i also saw plaid blue and black ones! I must say everyone i saw did the leggings justice so i'm not going to hate! If remember correctly, i saw 11 leggings, and i'm sure there were many more only that i was in a hurry!
How to wear leggings successfully!
1.Choose the right shoes: Leggings look best with flats, such as ballerina flats, or plain pumps. Boots are another great option to wear with leggings.
2.Your top can be tunic, in sweater form or knit jersey material. You can wear a belt with it or not.
3.Make sure your look is balanced – your top should be loosely fitting, your leggings should be well fitting.
4.Steer clear of tight shirts for the best look. These items work better when your overall outfit is balanced, pairing loose with fitting.
5.Leggings can also be Paired with mini-skirts, particularly denim skirts work well with a pair of flat shoes.
NOTE: Don't wear a short top with leggings, your shirt, whether it's a tunic or any other knitted top, should fall past your rear, not stop at the waist. This is especially important if your leggings fall on the thin side -you don't want to look like you left the house in only a shirt and tights-Don't wear leggings in place of pants, Leggings are an accessory not a garment They shouldn't be expected to take the place of a pair of slacks, but instead to add to the flair of a casual outfit.

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