Officially welcoming you to December! *screams* Yaay! PARTY!!!(Responsibly ofcourse).
Don't even know why i called this post December, be warned though it's not all about December. Oh, but it is the 1st of December 2011(reason enough) :-D
I spent all day in the house today, wait.....

Had to get these images out of my head somehow, sorry...been watching two and a half men season 9 all day *ahem*. I think they give too much credit with the hotness, i do agree he is some eye candy, but not the ONLY eye candy...I'm just saying!
My post today was supposed to be about Ellen DeGeneres, you know her right? I like her a lot, her style and all. Did you know she has been voted #35 on the sexiest women over 50? Now you know, but that's a post for another day. Here she is for the Blondies :P

So, Christmas is coming soon, then New year's, and we all turn a year older. I am at that point in my life where i think i should have settled(not in that way) but get a job, move out and stuff like that. It doesn't seem to be happening as anticipated. I know you are probably thinking I'm rushing things and should be patient...but that's a virtue i fail miserably at.
I am the planner type, i plan everything, i mean everything but i have come to learn the hard way that things don't always go as planned. You ever heard that if you want to make God laugh, go ahead and tell him all your plans? My boss the other day told me that life would be very boring if everything went according to our plans. A few lemons have to be thrown our way and we have to decide whether to make lemonade or take shots of tequila.
Being the planner i am, i had everything planned out, was to graduate this past October which didn't happen(see?) I have to wait for next year, ya'll invited! After graduation, was to get a job(as if they are hang somewhere on trees?) get a serious boyfriend (Lol, no comment)enjoy my money two or so years, get married in 2015(highly doubt this will happen), get two kids(boy and a girl) boy has to be first(hahaha, laughing at myself now) and live happily ever after!
I have however decided to take it one step at a time, take a chill pill, sit back and relax. Let the days unfold as they please, dance to the music of life whichever genre it plays...Let's do this!
Oh, before i go seeing as i have been out of the game for a while now, i think i forgot how to tell if someone likes you or not...(you don't care? Ok, i'll stop here!) But it's not fair that i just die inside is it? lol, funny how the people you like most don't necessarily like you back the same way and the people you don't like, like you immensely?! Yet another reminder that not everything turns out as planned...yes?
Before i forget, today is World's Aids Day, hope you got yourself tested.
Stay safe. X.