#I'll start with the durag...total no-no, followed closely by its sibling the arafat!No they don't make you look 'hood', don't be caught dead!

#Fake, plastic smelly weaves and drum-rolls for this one, badly shaped eyebrows!

#Chipped nail polish and too much makeup!

#Panty lines and buttcrack showing...

#Showing your underwear...

#Shoes and clothes that don't fit...

#Showing your bra, or lack there of...

#Letting yourself go....I mean, really?

#I ask again....REALLY?

#Multi-coloured hair and cleavage fail...

#Those shady branded t-shirts(u know which ones)enough said! And,offensive message printed ones...

Finally, on a lighter note....keep off the steroids!!! Lmao :D

Fab Evening...Xoxo!