My inspiration today is drawn from Willow Smith's 21st century girl song! I like it, got me thinking about how women keep going on about equality, i say forget equality and DIY! Specifically in the dating scene, if he wont approach you....you approach him! Its the 21st century....here are a few tips! Days are long gone where you die inside ALONE!
Ever see a guy so gorgeous that he makes you melt? Well, i have... A quick daydream flashed through my head of me and that gorgeous guy frolicking down the street off into the sunset…then reality hit me.I turned away and quietly walked the other way hoping he didn’t catch me slobber. “Why couldn’t I just say something to him?” is what i was pondering. All women go through this at some point in their life but it doesn’t have to be that way!
That Tyrese Gibson....or Trey Songz....whatever tickles your fancy :]

How to Approach him:
STEP 1: Make the first move- Guys love it when a girl is genial and approachs them, partly because then they wouldn’t have to do all the work. It shows him right off the bat that you’re interested and that takes a lot of the pressure off him. If you dont know how to make the first move then try to take interest in what he does such as if he likes football, start watching it. Why do you think i like Manchester United? hmmm? Or maybe you could ask him about things he likes and talk to him, take interest in him and most likely he will take interest in you.
STEP 2: Be confident. If you appear confident to your guy, he will think you are confident; it’s that easy as 1-2-3. Walk up to him like you own the ground you walk on. BEWARE: Do not come across as so confident that it may be mistaken for the I-am-better-than-you-bow-down-at-my-feet arrogance!
STEP 3: Compliment him- Not to mention a slick little compliment is a good ice breaker! You could tell him how good he looks in the shirt he’s wearing. I know what your thinking; how cliché! It may seem that way from a girl’s perspective but for a guy, what’s going through his head is, "Wow. Hot girl, Likes my shirt".
STEP 4: Give him the look- It is very crucial that you get it right; if done the wrong way, this could lead to possible jail time. “The Look” is a certain look that you have that says, “I want you to notice me.” It is important to first make eye contact with your guy and then lay it on him. This is your sexiest, most mysterious look that will only last few a few seconds so as to leave him breathless and wanting more (this is the ‘hook’). A little warning ladies, we do not want this turning into a creepy stalker girl case and have you end up behind bars. So for everyone’s well being, a few seconds will do!
STEP 5: Be alone when you approach your guy. Be sure when you approach your guy, it’s not with a clique of your friends behind you. First of all, this is very high school of you, secondly it will scare your guy away. Talk about coercion! Although I’m sure your friends are very affable, they should not accompany you this time (save that for the bathroom trip). Your guy will feel more at ease if it’s just one on one. This will also give you guys a chance to get to know each other without having any interruptions.
STEP 6: At your own risk, get his number, call him up with the "I don't usually do this" line, lmao!!! Anyhow, if you can get his number, good for you. But don't go overboard flashing, calling all the time and bombarding him with texts....we know its a shilling per text but take it slow, give him space to miss your presence. And most importantly, be charming!!!
All the best my 21st century girls....xoxo!
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