*sob sob* but this time with an with an attitude!!! Insert: Beyonce's song- Best thing i never had.
Are you wrong about love again?! What does karma have on you? Does it puzzle you?!...
Dedication to all you women who build walls around your heart and break them down when you think you have found the one and only, only for your heart to be broken. They say, "Beware of the man who sweeps you off your feet, he is in the perfect position to drop you on your ass!"
Here are tell tell signs that he is just not that into you...Or he is just not the one for you!

1. He's not trying to see you.
If there is one thing guys have made clear, it's that if they want to see you, they'll find a way. If you find yourself doing most of the inviting and planning, maybe you should take a step back and figure out why. It could just be that he's lazy and likes the fact that you're planning everything (entirely different issue), but if you're in the beginning of a relationship, it most likely means he's not that into it. Quit making plans and see what happens.
2. He only wants to see you for "you know what."
This is pretty simple. If after one or two legitimate dates your subsequent relationship has consisted of calls, texts and hangouts past 9pm, you might want to question his intentions. Again, if a guy likes you he will want to learn more about you, before he gets to know you in the, ahem, biblical sense.
3. You haven't been introduced to his friends/ family.
No, it's not that he wants to keep you all to himself. Be honest with yourself. When he likes you, he's going to want to show you off and see what his friends and family think about you. By introducing you to his friends, who are presumably a big part of his life, it shows that he wants to include you in all aspects of his life.
4. He doesn't remember important things about you.
This is a big one. If he really is in to you, he'll make sure to remember the details. And I'm not talking your birthday; that is a requirement. Little things, like maybe you have a big presentation at work and he wishes you luck, or you have an exam. Small gestures like these indicate he really values you and wants you to feel special.
5. He leaves you wondering about everything
One of the great truths about men, is this: "We are not complicated". If a guy wants you, you’ll know it. There won’t be any mystery. The phone will ring. An e-mail will show up. He will indicate a clear willingness for greater proximity. If that’s not happening, you’re not getting all his attention.
6.It takes him longer than 24 hours to return your calls or texts
The fact is, you really like him, and he’s really not so great about getting back to you when you call. A few hours is one thing. The length of a workday is acceptable. More than 24 hours, though, and he hasn’t called back? Unless he’s an undercover cop or a submariner, it means he’s blowing you off.
7. When you're sad and can't turn to him for comfort.
When you're a giant ball of tears and snot, do you lock yourself into the bathroom so he can't see you at your worst? If you're worried about scaring him away, one of you isn't ready for total commitment. Mr. Right should make you smile through your tears, and be a calming, not stressful presence.
8. He avoids conflict at any cost.
Fighting is healthy. And, when done right (in the non-accusatory, rational sort of way), it can be a great way to air grievances, fix problems in your relationship and come to a deeper understanding of each other. Ignoring problems is not the same as having no problems at all... even if it looks that way.
9. You don't trust him.
A small dose of jealousy can be healthy, but if you're hacking into his email account, and you keep snooping around his wall on facebook, something's wrong. If there's something about him that truly warrants your distrust, then perhaps he's not the right one for you.
10. He has a list of things he needs you to stop doing/saying/wearing if he wants your relationship to work.
If he is fixating on your flaws, you are either not the one he wants or he is not ready for a serious relationship. Cutting him loose allows you time to grow and gives you the opportunity to meet a guy who can embrace—or at least accept your flaws.

Do not turn a blind eye to these signs!
Have you ever tried sleeping with a broken heart....haha, Good luck!
Do not despair though, the sun will shine tomorrow...xoxo!
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