I dedicate my post today to a friend, brother,once a neighbour, one very humble and full of energy individual i got the pleasure to know! He left us last week Saturday and i'm sure he is in a much better place! If you can hear me Stein, I MISS YOU!...Look out for us! RIP!
A moment of silence!!! See you on the other side dear...

You never know, the time place or hour...so:
1. Appreciate the little things in life.
2. Say 'i love you' more often.
3. Smile
4. Say thank you, please and excuse me.
5. Say a prayer before you sleep.
6. Say I'm sorry, ask for forgiveness.
7. Say hi, good morning even to people you don't know.
8. Give back to society.
9. Forgive.
10. Live, love laugh!!!

My Grandpa, Charles Fiesta, Farah Mohammed....
You can add to the list...xoxo!
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