It's been a while, I know....Many apologies! Hallo bloggers and blog readers....post number 51, feels like a milestone! lool
I had an awesome weekend(wait, yes...I am making an attempt at telling you how awesome my Saturday last weekend was. Don't want to hear it? Well, ok!) But honestly though, i had a great time...
So this bestie of mine on that particular Saturday says he doesn't like to date, looks at it as too much work! Well, i told him that i personally enjoy dates...the whole meeting a new person, getting to know them and what not. No, I'm not usually that bored, don't get it twisted, they have to be interesting people.I have been on quite a number of dates, some grew into something while others were just another speed bump. Besides how will you meet your prince/princess if you don't kiss several frogs? (old fashioned? Its true though...)
We all have that one(or in my case two #smh) who got away! I call them my 'what if's' and i'll let you in on why you need one if you don't have one.
This is for you bestie and all the beautiful people out there, read on to discover the heart-warming benefits of long lost love...
Perk #1. They bring objectivity and pespective helping you to re-evaluate why a great relationship failed. Were you nagging? Insecure? Petty? Over-protective? etc
Perk #2. It teaches to find conclusion, they're not called 'what if's' for nothing-these romances invariably have more loose ends than a plate of spaghetti. They make the importance of the closure stage hit home.
Perk #3. They become your relationship barometer. How often do you think about your 'one that got away' when you're deliciously in love? Exactly! If you are happy, it is unlikely you'll find yourself plundering the past.
If you keep thinking about how great a previous relationship was, or might have been, you're subconciously acknowledging how unsatisfying you're current one is....just saying.
Perk #4. They make you brave, the pain of someone slipping through your fingers can be a positive experience because it encourages you to be more honest with your emotions.
Perk #5. Because we usually elevate them to the ideal, the one that got away helps us focus on what we like and don't like in a patner.
Perk #6.. If you've been single for long *ahem* it's easy to think you are never going to find anyone, yet having a what if(even if it didn't work out) makes you likely to find that sort of connection again.
Perk #7. Its is also a wonderfully romantic and reassuring notion that can help you believe in love.
Seven is my lucky number(just so you know)and not surprising I could only come up with seven solidly good reasons....enjoy! xoxo!
What if? what if? what if? what if? what if? what if???
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