Sunday, March 24, 2013

Simple Etiquette...

If you answer your cell phone in the movies, text away callously on a date, sign an e-mail to the Chief Executive of your company as an abbreviation signed by lots of  Xs, and think nothing of striking up conversation with someone in the nude at the gym, you definitely need a guide to the modern-day etiquette.

I turned the big 25 on Thursday, did nothing really proving that age is catching up with me. But i wasn't really bored either, just didn't go all out like i would have a few years back. I went shopping during the day, enjoyed a few drinks in the afternoon and went back to prepare a scrumptious meal for my family in the evening, i even baked a cake and that was it. Now that you are up to date, back to etiquette...

If you have to pick your phone in a public place, keep it short. Don't spill your dirty laundry to everyone the entire bus journey, save the personal details for later and never discuss business in a public place, you never know who is in hearing distance. Most mobile phone companies provide guidelines to remind users to switch off their mobile phones at the cinema, theatre, restaurant, during a business meeting, in a hospital, at a wedding or funeral but how many of us actually do so?

Text messaging is cheap, fun and easy but more importantly it's particularly handy in place of a call you would rather not take. However there is a price to pay for novelty; it's easy to lose sight of the person at the other end of the phone and get carried away with abbreviated words and coded messages. We're in danger of losing quality communication by overusing text messaging. It's a modern means of communication to arrange and cancel appointments but you shouldn't ever shock in a text message. Announcing that you wish to get divorced or a relationship is over in a text message is completely uncivilised.

Try and keep the grammar correct while texting too and the same applies to your punctuation in a professional email as you would if you were hand-writng a formal letter.It doesn't take any extra effort but shows respect and care.To add kisses in an email to someone you don't know is presuming closeness and in our respectful culture, this won't go down well.

Staying calm and not letting other drivers get you hot under the collar is very important. Don't toot your horn if you feel that traffic isn't moving, please use your signal when driving, check for ongoing traffic before you pull out, let people in front of you if they are trying to overtake and dim your lights at night when approaching an on-coming car.

Despite the belief that swimming is meant to be relaxing and an enjoyable leisure activity, if you visit the pool often you will probably find yourself up against some serious etiquette challenges. People kicking water like it's a fight resulting in a mouthful of chlorine for you and a kick in the ribcage. However one of the worst aspects of visiting the pool is the changing room and the same goes for the gym too. People taking their clothes off right in front of you, and then there is a queue for the shower and the lad standing in front of you is in his birthday suit.

I am sort of a neat freak and suffering slightly from mild, i prefer my stuff arranged neatly in order. I am not good with guests and subsequently not a good host, i relish in my space. That being said, my laptop is private, that's why it has a Password. Don't ask me for  my password please, what is you want there? Don't borrow my clothes, i love my wardrobe including the clothes i haven't worn in over a year, don't use that as an excuse. Carry your own necessities i.e cologne, roll-on, towel, bathing suit, nail polish and remover and that kind of stuff. Stay in your space and know your place, don't wake me up with your midnight phone calls, break of dawn alarm ring tones and most of all don't strike up a convo at the climax of a really good movie.

Fab night lovelies...xoxo!

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