Sunday, January 15, 2012

What's your number?!?

Happy New Year! I'm alive, call off the search party...haha, long December that was! Had a lot of fun, met new friends, partied hard and loved every minute of it... :]

Title of my blog post today is what's your number? Yes, you guessed it...drawn from the movie what's your number! Haven't seen it? Whoa, what? Okay, you should, trust me its good!
Sorry i have to spoil it for you, the movie is a 2011 romantic comedy film starring Anna Faris and Chris Evans and was released on September 30, 2011. "What's Your Number?", refers to the number of guys she has been with. Realizing that her number is double the average, Ally(Anna Faris) decides to track down all of her ex-boyfriends in the hope that one of them will have grown into the man she wants to marry, and therefore the number of men she has slept with will never have to increase. Let me stop there, but her number was twenty, quite high!
So my inspiration is that i have to stop while I'm still ahead. My number is not that high, not even close, and sorry i wont reveal it but i have decided on a NO boyfriend/fling 2012! Yes, sounds crazy huh? I know, but my mind is made up!
And that goes to the top of my list of resolutions, my closest pal agrees with me and is supportive, in fact she says, 'men are supposed to be like a side dish, they kinda block you from seeing the bigger picture' and I totally agree.
Unlike the movie, i wont look for my ex-boyfriends, i don't chew my cabbage twice *ahem* once we're done, we're done. Instead I'm going to focus on me, my life and being a better me! Cheers to 2012....xoxo!

In love with yellow nail polish....yay or nay?

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