Hey, inspiration finally hit me on Wednesday then my laptop got fried...bummer! So, i went to my good neighbour yesterday to borrow his laptop, but the adapter wasn't working. I woke up today and convinced my mum to lend me her's telling her that it was very important work, if only she knew, but she bought it. Moral of the story is how dedicated i am to this blog...ha ha ha, i know!
Anyhow, i looked back at all the men i have come across and dated and thought i should write about it. Unlike Taylor Swift though, i will not be mentioning any names....but if the shoe fits, well :-/
1. The one who admits to like you, but thinks you are way out of his league. I don't know why he sold himself short but oh, well...that was that.
2. The smooth talker, always knows what to say and when to say it, perfect gentleman, real cutey but doesn't really make any moves.
3. Has a girlfriend yes, but admits to really like you and just wants to hi it....smh, "who is your mother?"
4. The one who just wants to be friends with benefits...I've heard 3 of these, what is the world coming to?
5. The one i really liked but we were not on the same page...really sad.
6. The douchebag who doesn't remember to call or text.
7. The text addict, will text you all day all night....never calls, never suggests a meeting *sigh*
8. Always broke, even admits to it. Uses facebook to ask for dates, never calls just texts and is hella boring! In case you are wondering, still never agreed to go on a date.
9. The one who moves too fast, wants first date to be at his house, meet his mum on second date...Geezus!
10. The shy one, who doesn't even know how to go about asking you out...slow mover.
11. The one who shows you all the attention, wants to see you all the time, and has you weak on your knees, only problem is he has a past you can't just get over.
12. He messed up, had a kid with someone else but still insists you are the one he loves...LOL
13. The one you still have no clue why you liked him so much and given a chance you would really make it your goal to find out.
14. The one who treats you like a queen when you are dating and all that goes away when you get into a relationship with him.
15. The one who got away...enough said!
16. The never ever going to happen, even in a million years.
17. The really weird guy who never gets the point.
18. The one who never lets go, still thinks there is a chance...it's been over ten years?! Move on!
19. The one who is always calling you over the weekend and on last minute date plans like you are plan B or something.
20. The friend-zoned one, that's where you belong, don't try to change it.
Now if only I'd find something or someone to cheer me up this Friday afternoon, I'd really appreciate it!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Truth Unspoken...
The assumption is that women are the victims when men run around wrecking their marriages and relationships by being uncontrollable horny dogs. Men are lecherous and can’t be trusted – right? Actually it’s true, men do cheat a lot. Women, however, cheat just as much.
Only difference is a woman will cheat with reason, only when she is intoxicated maybe. We are emotional creatures and if we are not getting the attention we yearn from our partners, we are most likely to go looking for it or if it is offered to us, our knees will definitely buckle. Someone told me that women fall in love with their ears and the men with their eyes.
How do we get away with it or how does it go unnoticed(our infidelity that is) These are my thoughts...
1. Men take the phrase, 'be a man' a bit too seriously, it's ok to ask questions. 'Who is so and so' and stuff...
2. We are planners so you'll know my schedule and trust it.
3. We can convince you on just about anything and end it with 'i love you'
4. Introducing you to my friends, so that i have an alibi every time i'm out without you.
5. Having a specific time when i say goodnight so that there are no calls after this hour.
6. You wouldn't expect us to cheat, unless it has happened to you before.
7. We know how to make you trust us and feel safe.
8. We don't give you reason to doubt us.
9. We can multitask-well, some of us.
10. Check her phone if you have to, the answers might just be there.
DISCLAIMER: I might have started a world war three here, but i would just like it to be noted that- I'm just saying! Trust is important though...xoxo
1. Men take the phrase, 'be a man' a bit too seriously, it's ok to ask questions. 'Who is so and so' and stuff...
2. We are planners so you'll know my schedule and trust it.
3. We can convince you on just about anything and end it with 'i love you'
4. Introducing you to my friends, so that i have an alibi every time i'm out without you.
5. Having a specific time when i say goodnight so that there are no calls after this hour.
6. You wouldn't expect us to cheat, unless it has happened to you before.
7. We know how to make you trust us and feel safe.
8. We don't give you reason to doubt us.
9. We can multitask-well, some of us.
10. Check her phone if you have to, the answers might just be there.
DISCLAIMER: I might have started a world war three here, but i would just like it to be noted that- I'm just saying! Trust is important though...xoxo
Monday, September 3, 2012
What if?

Allow me to use my blog today as a diary of sorts, it's a form of therapy and i think i need it.
I am in a dilemma, i like someone terribly but my mind won't stop thinking about a lot. My heart is all in though *sigh* I am an over-thinker by birth, can't help it.
Ok, i met him a while back, like three or four years ago. He is a friend of a friend, on my 20th birthday(i.e four years ago) he was there, i thought he was cute and he is...damn! From then on we hang out, my friend invited me everywhere and of course cutie was there too.
It's always been hard, um what i mean to say is that, there is this weirdness i dunno where it stems from, probably because i like him too much. I get shy around people i like and maybe that is why he thinks i don't like him as much as i do which is a lot. Those people who make your heart skip beats *sigh*
So anyway, in the three years we dated different people but deep down i knew i liked this one guy. Of late though, we are finally on the same page but jus can't seem to know where to start... We know we like each other, i hope it works out in the end because that is all i want.
Now that i have let the world know, hope you too can get convinced love...xx(secretly wishing that you don't see this post...lol) But if you do...well, what if?
Friday, August 24, 2012
Stylish kids...
Thursday, August 9, 2012
If i were a boy...

People are all over the cat print, i wouldn't be caught dead, one because i hate cats and two, too too girly for me right now because i am so feeling the boyish look.
Toya DeLazy from South Africa and Keko a Ugandan artist pull off the boyish look effortlessly and i love...I think both their styles are free spirited, bold and eccentric!!!
Toya DeLazy here...

And Keko here...

Saturday, August 4, 2012
Of late...

I am a different person; I have learned a lot these past few months and made a few positive changes i must say.
I used to be sort of an introvert, keeping to myself and being really private about stuff. Of late, i have learned to express myself, talk about what i like and don't like, say something when something needs to be said instead of bottling it up.
My policy in life has always been, 'don't ask, don't tell' and still live by it, but if you ask, i am honest. Slightly on the borderline of blunt but honest. Of late, will tell you exactly what i think in a nice way.
Everyone has some pride, of late, i have learned to take it down a notch.
I never understood why i had to compromise while i could have things done my way. Of late, i have learned to let other people in, negotiate and reach a compromise where everyone is happy.
I used to run away at the slightest sight of trouble coming my way. Of late, i have learned to face my troubles head on sought them out and move on all smiles.
I worried about everything and everyone even society and what not. Of late, i worry less and keep my spirits high.
I used to over think and plan everything. Of late, i take it a day at time and appreciate everything as it comes.
I used to judge people at first sight and do away with them just on basis of first impression. Of late, i appreciate people more and give myself time to know them.
I never gave people second chances, you pissed me off once and that was that. Of late i have learned to overlook the minor negatives, replace them with major positives and give people a second chance.
I was very short tempered and impatient. Of late, i have learned to be slow to anger and patient...things don't always have to go by my schedule or on cue.
Why you ask? Keep it here, will let you in on my next post....xoxo!
You just might have to expand the pic below, sorry for that. Trust me though, it's worth it!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Wikipedia defines the word Kleptomania as an impulse control disorder characterized by a recurrent failure to resist stealing.
I am calling this post that because i don't know how else to refer to the woman am about to tell you about...thief? I don't know, maybe. I read a column in the papers about how women have become even more aggressive and are the ones brandishing guns while carjacking people.
Well today i went to see the doc, i was down with a cold last week and i self medicated in the house and it went away. Today though i woke up feeling sick again and thought it was time to go to hospital. I got there at around 1.30pm, you know Kenyans and their lunch break; the doc was out on lunch break was to be back at 2pm. There was an old-ish woman who was sitted on my extreme left holding her baby, followed by a young female about my age. I sat like 5inches away from the girl so there was enough space between us where i placed my bag.
A woman walked up to me, said hi and went to sit on my right but i told her it was okay if she sat to my left because she also had a baby and i was being nice. So i took my bag to make space for her and she sat. Then a young couple sat to my right and i was sandwiched. We sat there for a while, i was busy on my phone texting my boyfie throwing glances at the cute baby held by his mom on my left but a certain woman behind us caught my attention, she was laughing loudly and chatting away with her pal on a bench outside where we were sat.
Could she be any louder at a hospital? Minutes later she was right behind us now playing with the cute kid. The woman with the cute kid had placed her paper bag on the bench while i held my handbag so there was space where her paper bag sat. That obnoxiously loud woman strolled slowly pretending to read the posts on the hospital's wall and in less than a second, she had picked up the woman's paper bag handed it to her and sat down...Oh, the nerve on her?
I could only give her dagger eyes because my sore throat would not let me utter a word but i was thinking what her plan was to just come and jump the queue like that. Finally, it was time to get consultation cards in order to see the doc. One by one until it was cute kid's mom turn. She stood and left her paper bag on the bench. I hadn't noticed if wasn't for the woman who jumped the queue making futile attempts at dipping her hand inside the paper bag.
She mumbled something like i should go before her because she wasn't in the queue before. She was nervous, i saw her dip her hand into the woman's paper bag twice, she was darting her eyes here and there. She moved to face the left so i could see what she was doing opened her tattered handbag and made another futile attempt to take something from the paper bag. The woman holding her cute kid at the counter was oblivious, i looked at her and noticed she had no clue what was going on.
Then i said, 'That paper bag is her's right?'(pointing at the woman at the counter).
She nodded, her eyes turned red and was really fidgety now, she stood really fast went to the corner and pretended to be looking for something in her bag. It was my turn now, made sure i stood only after the paper bag was in the right hands then watched as the kleptomaniac walked out in a confused manner.
Looking back i wish i had called her out so that she does not do the same to someone else and maybe succeed, or i should have said, 'you do know God is watching' to scare her for life. I can't help but wonder how much she gets from what she does and does she go home happy that she has money or whatever it is she was looking for.
I know money is hard to come by but the easy way out is never the answer especially for a woman...shame,shame,shame!

Thursday, July 26, 2012
Fashion DONT'S for men...

I rarely write about men's fashion, one, because i think men have it easy. Two, because i am a female and don't really know what to say on that topic. Even with much leeway that men get, there are just some lines that should not be crossed and here are some of my few observations:
1. Has to be pairing jeans and official shoes. I hate this look...I'm sure you've seen it.

Try this instead...

2. Those really ugly looking open shoes that you wear everywhere; to the beach, to a cocktail party, to a wedding....eish!

3. Then you make it worse by wearing socks inside(see above).

4.Then there is the short sleeved shirt with half cardigan. Generally, you look like a Midwestern accountant, a douchecanoe or a schoolboy if you wear a sweater vest at all. A sweater is supposed to keep you warm, it's best to pick one with long sleeves.

Unless you are at the golf course, only then are you excused.
5. Tucking your shirt in jeans. Unless you are 50+

6. Mixing patterns...

7. Sagging your pants, i cannot emphasize any further...

8. Hats/caps worn to the side or backwards.

9.Mixing too many colors: Too many colors draw attention -but not the kind of attention that gets you dates. Limit each of your outfits to just three colors or shades to keep things as simple as possible.
10. Beach shorts. As the name suggests, they are meant for the beach.

Parting shot: If you look in the mirror twice before you leave the house and you aren't sure if your combo looks good, it probably doesn't...so go change.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Filling you in...
Well, hello beautiful people...
Been a long while i know, my apologies! My last post was in May, June i got so caught up partying i got hardly any time to sit and pen anything down. Then came July and i was nursing the June hangover but now I'm BACK!
Uh, my sister's boyfie had been away for a while and when he came back we made a point to show him how to party. I found love (drum rolls please) haha, well...we met in March, too early to tell you the whole story, don't want to jinx it but i will soon...promise.
I fixed my commitment issues with everything, i am happy. I am expecting a guest writer tomorrow, so i'll hold my stories till after we've had what he has to say.
I'm out, keep warm. Xoxo...
Been a long while i know, my apologies! My last post was in May, June i got so caught up partying i got hardly any time to sit and pen anything down. Then came July and i was nursing the June hangover but now I'm BACK!
Uh, my sister's boyfie had been away for a while and when he came back we made a point to show him how to party. I found love (drum rolls please) haha, well...we met in March, too early to tell you the whole story, don't want to jinx it but i will soon...promise.
I fixed my commitment issues with everything, i am happy. I am expecting a guest writer tomorrow, so i'll hold my stories till after we've had what he has to say.
I'm out, keep warm. Xoxo...
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Animal print...

A while back i could not stand animal print, used to associate it with some people and if you know me you know who! The other day i was nosing around my sister's closet and saw this leopard print, see-through blouse that i fell in love with...and the leopard print was suddenly awesome! Thus my post today on animal print, what i'd do for a pair of leopard print heels!

I so love the leopard print dress Beyonce is rocking, would be awesome for the beach.
Tomorrow is a holiday, whoop! Today is end month and I'm calling it Thirday! (thirsy thursday cum friday)
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